Canterbury Creek Gardens
Home of the Salad Bowl Planters
Canterbury Creek Gardens
A Chemical-Free Organic Garden Center
and Organic Micro Farm in Greater Cleveland
Home      Why Plant a Veggie Garden?

Eat Better - Live Longer - Save Money - Save Time

Every hour in a vegetable garden is an investment in yourself and your family.
 If done properly, growing your own food can be one of the most satisfying and rewarding things in life.
A backyard garden can produce loads of fresh vegetables and more frozen vegetables for winter use.
It can produce gallons of wonderful sauces and salsas for year round use.
It can produce fresh, nutritious and delicious greens all year.

Eat Better

The extraordinary flavors, textures and colors of fresh, organic produce are treasured by the best of chefs.

Live Longer

Organic vegetables are the perfect food for weight loss and nutrition. New research is showing that they contain many chemical compounds that are crucial to longevity, healing, and disease prevention. And gardening is great exercise.

Save Money

A backyard garden can produce loads of high quality fresh vegetables. It can also provide you with frozen veggies and make gallons of sauces and salsas for year round use.

Save Time

A backyard garden can be maintained in the same amount of time that you exercise every week. Gardening is always rated as one of the best aerobic exercises and your harvest will save you time shopping for groceries.
Eat Better
Vegetables are our best fuel source.
The complex carbohydrates found in vegetables should provide 60% of your daily calories,according to most experts.
Vegetables are the best source of fiber.
Fiber slows down digestion and helps your body to naturally regulate blood sugar levels. This is especially important for controlling and reversing diabetes. Fiber also fills you up and cleanses your digestive tract helping to prevent diseases such as colon cancer.
Vegetables produce quality protein.
Vegetarians and grazing animals – such as elephants, buffalo, and moose -- can attest to the protein quality of vegetables, especially leafy greens.
Vegetables contain healthful fats.
Leafy greens are often a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Eat vegetables and especially greens,instead of seeds or animals raised on grains to lower your omega-6 to omega-3ratio. This is more important than adding omega-3s.
Vegetables are the key to any successful weight loss program.
Vegetables help you lose weight in many ways. The complex carbohydrates and fiber in vegetables fill you up and slow down the digestion of other foods. According to the latest research, the micronutrients in vegetables -- especially leafy greens --are the most important factor in satisfying hunger cravings.

Fresh, organic vegetables taste better.

Live Longer!

Vegetables are rich in micronutrients.
Leafygreens, in particular, are the most concentrated and complete source of micronutrients found in any food. Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals and other nutrients needed for the chemistry of life.

- They keep us healthy, active and alert.

- They protect us from diseases.

- They build strong bones.

- They nourish our blood and energize every cell in our body.

“When you eat to maximize micronutrients, your body function will improve; chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, Type II diabetes, and high cholesterol will likely disappear;and your youthful vigor will last into old age.”

From“Disease Proof Your Child”, Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Dr. Fuhrman is a member of the Board of Directors of the National Health Association; Advisory Panel, and The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Vegetables contain phytochemicals.
Phytochemicals are natural chemicals in plants that are beneficial to human health.  Some of these chemicals battle cancer and cholesterol, some help the body neutralize and eliminate carcinogens and free radicals.

Phytochemical research is in its infancy. For every one known, there are many yet to be discovered.Eating plants that are naturally rich in these chemicals is the only assurance of providing them to your body.

Vegetable gardening is great exercise.


Here's How
Use healthy, high-quality plants and seeds. - Like ours
Use a high quality organic fertilizer. - Like ours
Get the best advice on planning, planting, harvesting and preserving your produce. - Like ours
We have 30 years experience growing organic vegetable gardens from 3 sq.ft. to 3acres.

“Though an old man, I am but a young gardener.” - Thomas Jefferson

Even Thomas Jefferson – one of our greatest gardeners – realized in his later years that he had much to learn about gardening.

One thing every gardener learns sooner or later is this:

Purchasing low quality plants and seeds

+     Low quality organic or chemical fertilizer

+     Undependable advice


=  poor yields of low quality vegetables and

years of frustration




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