Canterbury Creek Gardens
Home of the Salad Bowl Planters
Canterbury Creek Gardens
A Chemical-Free Organic Garden Center
and Organic Micro Farm in Greater Cleveland
Home      CSA Program 2013
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Eat Better, Be Healthier, Save Money
A wonderful gift for family or friends

1rst apples 20091rst apples 2009We are now opening membership for our second annual Community  Supported Agriculture (CSA) program. This program is designed to improve the quality and variety of the foods that you eat, save you time and money, and support farmers trying to grow quality foods using responsible and sustainable methods.

Our modern world puts great nutritional demands on our bodies by exposing us to more environmental toxins and stress. This makes our choice of food and our food quality even more important. Yet by every measure of food quality, the nutritional value of our food has deteriorated. The result of today's higher nutritional demands and lower nutritional food content is an epidemic of obesity -- degenerative diseases like cancer, heart disease and diabetes -- and spiraling health care costs.

There is a growing consensus that we need a diet rich in a wide variety of veggies and fruits.  They provide us the thousands of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that support our body functions and help us to lead a long, healthy and active life. Our CSA program last year included 83 different high quality veggies and fruits -- 53 were certified organic, 25 locally grown and chemical free, 8 more locally grown and lightly sprayed and best of all, our Immunity Builder Salad mix.

Our CSA program is a great way of putting quality food on your table and also saving money. For those of you who already buy our salad mix, this program would provide you with an additional $15 worth of quality produce for only $8.25 per week. Our 2010 CSA members received a 34.4% discount on wholesome, nutritious food -- 2011 members saved $212.53, or 33.3% off retail pricingWhile we cannot guarantee this same value, we do guarantee a 25% discount (similar to last year's guaranteed savings).  If the 2012 summer brings additional savings, we will again pass it along to our CSA members.

cherry tomatoesToday's busy schedules don't allow time to research where our food comes from, how it is grown, when it was harvested or its nutritional value. Years ago, our parents and grandparents depended on their neighborhood grocers to insure quality. Europeans still shop at small stores where they are informed about produce quality and freshness. As a result, they also suffer from fewer degenerative diseases and now have a longer life expectancy than American supermarket shoppers. The biggest difference between the American and European food systems is the added benefits obtained by shopping at small stores with knowledgeable and concerned owner/operators.
We would like to thank our grower partners in this project to bring you quality food at conventional prices. We are proud to support their efforts to leave future generations with clean water, fertile soils and a nourishing and sustainable food supply.


Becoming a Member

Savings / Pricing / Payment

To become a member, you must purchase a share. Here is the share pricing and value of the food that you will receive in addition to the other member privileges.

Program Length

The program will last 21 weeks. Pickup days will be Sundays, beginning May 20, 2012 and ending on Sunday October 7, 2012.

Single Share: $450.00

You Pay -- $450.00 or $21.43 / week
Value -- $566.79 or $26.99 / week
Guaranteed Savings -- $116.79 or 21%

Each week, your Single Share will include one pound of Immunity Builder Salad Mix (an $11.99 value) and $15.00 worth of produce, including a special and seasonal organic fruit of the week.

In response to several requests, Double Shares will also be available:

Double Share: $850.00

Cost -- $850.00 or $40.48 / week
Value -- $1133.58 or $53.98 / week
Savings -- $283.58 or 25%
Each week, Double Shares will include 2 pounds of Immunity Builder Salad Mix and $30.00 worth of produce.


We will be slightly increasing the number of members, but we will still limit membership to insure quality control. Enrollment will be on a first come basis and last year shares sold out very quickly.

Payment can be made by cash or check. Call for details at 440-899-2740 -- or return email.


produce display

2010 CSA boxes included the following
Certified Organic
Apples Pink Pearl  
Apples Braeburn 
Apples Fuji 
Apples Gala 
Apples Jonagold 
Beans Green 
Cabbage Green 
Cabbage Red 
Grapes Green 
Grapes Red 
Mangos, Champagne 
Melon, Honeydew  
Onions Green 
Onions Red 
Onions Vidalia 
Oranges Jumbo Navel 
Oranges Valencia 
Pears Bosc 
Pears Abate 
Pears Asian 
Pears Hosui 
Pears Packham 
Pepper Red 
Plums Burgundy Gems 
Plums Black
Plums Red Beauty 
Potatoes Red 
Potatoes Russet 
Potatoes Yukon Gold 
Sweet  Potatoes
White Sweet Potatoes
Tangerines Gold Nugget

Local Chemical-free
Beans European Style Pole - Ours 
Celery - Ours 
Celery Cutting - Ours   
Corn White
Cucumbers - Ours   
Cuke Mini Pickling
Eggplant - Ours   
Kale Buds  - Ours
Peppers European Style Sweet - Ours 
Peppers Hungarian Medium Hot - Ours 
Peppers Padron - Ours   
Peppers Sweet Bell
Peppers Sweet Gypsy - Ours   
Potatoes New Red Amish
Sorrel - Ours 
Squash Acorn
Squash Buttercup
Squash Butternut 
Squash Delicata
Squash Sweet Dumpling - Ours   
Squash Yellow
Squash Zucchini - green
Squash Zucchini - yellow - Ours 
Tomatoes Cherry - Ours   
Tomatoes local
Tomatoes - Ours 

Local Light Sprayed
Apples Jonathan
Apples McIntosh 
Apples Paula Red 
Corn Supersweet Bicolor
Prune Plums

Black Apricots
Mango Nectarines
Panoche Onions
Immunity Builder Salad Mix
Himalayan Pink Salt
Cola Tea



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