Canterbury Creek Gardens
Home of the Salad Bowl Planters
Canterbury Creek Gardens
A Chemical-Free Organic Garden Center
and Organic Micro Farm in Greater Cleveland
Home      Salad Bowl Planters

Salad Bowl Planters™

A feast for your eyes.
A treat for your taste buds.
The world’s most nutritious food for pennies a day

Our Salad Bowl Planters were featured in 2 Plain Dealer articles in 2006! (May 25th & Oct 26th)

“The Best New Gardening Idea in 10 years!”

Health professionals agree: Vegetables -- especially organically grown leafy greens -- are the closest food group to a complete or perfect food, and our best protection us from toxins and diseases. However, veggies purchased at a grocery store travel on average over 1500 miles and lose half their nutrition on their journey.

Canterbury Creek Gardens is the area’s only chemical-free garden center. We are very proud to bring you our all-organic Salad Bowl Planters™. They are decorative planter bowls planted with edible greens. We have developed fertilizer, soil, and a selection of plants to make it easy and fun for you to produce a daily supply of the world’s most nutritious foods, and save a lot of money doing it.

Easy, Productive and Fresh

Just step outside your kitchen door and clip some leaves for today’s meal. Then come back for more tomorrow, because your little garden just keeps growing. The freshness is treasured by the greatest of cooks for the combination of wonderful flavors and stunning colors.


A dish of fresh greens is better than any nutritional supplements -- they are the world’s most nutritious foods. They are loaded with vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that protect us from a multitude of diseases including cancer and heart disease.

Low Cost

If you buy your greens at a grocery store, you know that they can be very costly. But a Salad Bowl Planter™ provides you with fresh, incredibly nutritious food for only pennies a day.

The Best Plants

We have researched and tested over 100 different leafy greens for flavor, nutrition, harvest period, productivity and ability to withstand frost and heat. We offer you the best.

The Best Food

Our Salad Bowl Planter Plant Food™ is fully organic, and the result of years of research, development and testing. It produces vigorous, healthy plants with maximum nutritional value.

The Best Soil

Our planter potting soil is an all-natural living soil that compliments and helps to make available all the ingredients in our Salad Bowl Planter Plant Food™. It does not contain peat moss, (which is mined from non-renewable peat bogs),vermiculite, perlite, or any artificial additives.
Salads To Go
It is hard to eat well while on vacation -- but you can take your Salad Bowl Planter with you to a vacation home for a weekend or longer. This Salad Bowl Planter toured the Great Lakes all summer on this sailboat a couple of years ago.
Salad Bowl Planters™ are a result of 30 years of research with various plants, fertilizers, and soils. They encourage plants to grow in a way that maximizes growth and nutritional content. We also have some simple, delicious recipes for preparing these greens using methods that maximize their food value.

If it’s not a Salad Bowl Planter™, it’s just lettuce in a pot.

Canterbury Creek Gardens - 440-899-2740

26273 Detroit Rd – on the southeast corner of Canterbury and Detroit Roads, behind AJ’s Grill 


Copyright © 2010