Canterbury Creek Gardens
Home of the Salad Bowl Planters
Canterbury Creek Gardens
A Chemical-Free Organic Garden Center
and Organic Micro Farm in Greater Cleveland
Home      Immunity Builder Salad Mix

Leafy greens are becoming increasingly popular among health conscious people. But many are wondering how they can be the nutritional powerhouses that they are. To understand their nutritional significance, it is important to understand some plant physiology.

1rst apples 2009
Plant leaves are the magic behind life on earth. They convert sunlight to the food energy that feeds all living creatures. They also produce a myriad of substances that nourish us. Almost all vitamins, micronutrients, and phytochemicals are manufactured in plant leaves. Minerals absorbed from the soil are brought to the leaves to become the building blocks for these substances. And, minerals found in plants are the most natural and the best way for us to get them into our bodies.

Many of the substances that are produced in plant leaves are then transported to other parts of the plant. Antioxidants that are produced in the leaves are sent to the fruit to extend the life of the fruit in its ripe stage. Carbohydrates that are produced in plant leaves are stored in plant roots to nourish the plants during dormant periods. Proteins and fats from leaves become stored energy for the next generation in seeds and nuts. But they are all found in plant leaves at any time. This makes plant leaves the most nutritionally complete part of the plant.

Our ancestors ate pounds of leafy greens every day and our bodies grew dependent on the nutrients that they contain. We have to find a way to get these nutrients back into a modern day diet. They are lacking because of our diets and because of the lack of nutrients found in chemical dependent cultivation methods.

1rst apples 2009The Immunity Builder Salad Mix contains many very nutritious plant foods -- grown in a way that makes them even more nutritious -- harvested when they are the most nutritious -- combined to be 89% nutritionally complete -- and loaded with a diverse range of plant phytonutrients that boost our immune system and build strong and healthy bodies.

It is also a very versatile food and it can be used in many ways to supply nutrients and flavors otherwise lacking in our diets. Adding some Immunity Builder Salad mix to your daily diet is better than taking any supplements -- and at a lower cost.
Click on the recipe tab at the left to find several recipes featuring the Immunity Builder Salad mix that you and your family are sure to enjoy. There will be even more recipes in the weeks to come. Experiment yourself and add the Immunity Builder Salad Mix to your favorite dishes for extra flavor and lots of extra nutrients.


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